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    Semipalmated Sandpiper has been seen by:

    Birder Location Town County Date
    Janaehesser Gooseneck Beach Little Compton Newport 12-Jun-2015
    Cathy Gim Napatree Point Westerly Washington 11-Jun-2015
    DAVID WALLIS Napatree Westerly Washington 03-Jun-2015
    Alex Patterson Third Beach Middletown Newport 27-May-2015
    John Magill Quonochontaug Marsh Charlestown Washington 23-May-2015
    Mark Pagliarini Third Beach Middletown Newport 18-May-2015
    Dan Berard Succotash Marsh Area South Kingstown Washington 17-May-2015
    Dylan Pedro Quononchontaug Breachway Charlestown Washington 16-May-2015
    Matt Schenck Charlestown Breachway Charlestown Washington 11-May-2015
    Paul L'Etoile Ninigret Pond Charlestown Washington 09-May-2015
    Jan St.Jean Succotash marsh South Kingstown Washington 08-May-2015
    Wayne Munns where Drew's used to be South Kingstown Washington 08-May-2015
    Barbara Sherman Succotash Marsh South Kingstown Washington 08-May-2015
    Kellen Rosburg Succotash Marsh South Kingstown Washington 08-May-2015
    Carlos Pedro Charlstown Breachway Charlestown Washington 03-May-2015