Camp Cronin - Narragansett

The Camp Cronin Fishing Area is at the southern tip of Narragansett. Its location makes it a trap for southbound fall migrants. The fishing area's ocean views also make it a good place to look for pelagic birds.

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Narragansett, RI.

Point Judith Light from Camp Cronin


Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.


The Camp Cronin Fishing Area is located on the west side of Point Judith, just before the southern end of Ocean Road.


Ocean, freshwater marsh and brush.


This area is located near the Point Judith Lighthouse. With water on two sides, it forms a migrant trap. It also offers views of the ocean and of the Harbor of Refuge breakwater.

Best Seasons to Visit

August 15 to October 31.

Birds Most Likely to Be Seen

During migration, flycathers, vireos, warblers and sparrows can be found here. Highlights have included Philadelphia Vireo, Connecticut Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat and Lark and Clay-colored Sparrows.

Birds that May be Seen in Other Seasons

Purple Sandpiper

Late fall is a good time to watch migrating Gannets, Common Eider and all three species of scoter. Winter is a good time to observe wintering ducks and Purple Sandpipers feeding around the breakwater.

Potential obstacles

  • None.


Just a little farther south from Camp Cronin is the Rose Nulman Memorial Park. This park provides elevated looks at the ocean to the east. It is a good place to look for winter ducks and alcids.


This is a great place to visit in fall because the limited area causes migrants to be concentrated in the low vegetation where they are easy to see. At the Camp Cronin Fishing Area, you can take a very relaxed walk while enjoying the beautiful views of Block Island Sound.

Thanks to Scott Tsagarakis for contributing content for this page.