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    Great Shearwater has been seen by:

    Birder Location Town County Date
    Dick & Marge Bradley Camp Cronin Narragansett Washington 30-Sep-2020
    Greg Nemes Block Island Ferry Pelagic Offshore 21-Aug-2020
    Jan St.Jean Southeast of BI Pelagic Offshore 03-Jul-2020
    Dominick Pacelli Whale Watch Pelagic Offshore 02-Jul-2020
    Carlos Pedro Whale Watch(SE of Block Isl.) Pelagic Offshore 02-Jul-2020
    Jess Bishop Frances Fleet - Pelagic Pelagic Offshore 02-Jul-2020
    Alex Patterson Frances Fleet Pelagic Offshore 02-Jul-2020
    John Magill Frances Fleet Whale Watch Pelagic Offshore 02-Jul-2020
    Sue Palmer Pelagic Pelagic Offshore 02-Jul-2020
    Don Heitzmann Pelagic New Shoreham Washington 02-Jul-2020