Year List of SusieQ
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Bird Name | Location | Town | County | Date | Notes | |
138 | Black-billed Cuckoo | Snake Den Park | Johnston | Providence | 10-Jun-2017 | Note |
137 | Pileated Woodpecker | Snake Den Park | Johnston | Providence | 10-Jun-2017 | Note |
136 | Blue-headed Vireo | Snake Den Park | Johnston | Providence | 10-Jun-2017 | Note |
135 | Bobolink | Snake Den Park | Johnston | Providence | 10-Jun-2017 | Note |
134 | Yellow-billed Cuckoo | Snake Den Park | Johnston | Providence | 09-Jun-2017 | Note |
133 | Willow Flycatcher | Rocky Point State Park | Warwick | Kent | 27-May-2017 | |
132 | Cedar Waxwing | Rocky Point State Park | Warwick | Kent | 27-May-2017 | |
131 | Orchard Oriole | Rocky Point State Park | Warwick | Kent | 27-May-2017 | |
130 | Northern Parula | Rocky Point State Park | Warwick | Kent | 27-May-2017 | |
129 | Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Beavertail State Park | Jamestown | Newport | 18-May-2017 | |
128 | Broad-winged Hawk | Eppley Preserve | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-May-2017 | |
127 | Eastern Wood-Pewee | Eppley Preserve | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-May-2017 | |
126 | White-eyed Vireo | Eppley Preserve | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-May-2017 | |
125 | Yellow-throated Vireo | Eppley Preserve | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-May-2017 | |
124 | Hooded Warbler | Eppley Preserve | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-May-2017 | |
123 | Common Tern | Passeonkquis Cove | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
122 | Barn Swallow | Passeonkquis Cove | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
121 | Black-throated Green Warbler | Passeonkquis Cove | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
120 | Snowy Egret | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
119 | Great Crested Flycatcher | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
118 | Eastern Kingbird | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
117 | Savannah Sparrow | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
116 | Nashville Warbler | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 12-May-2017 | |
115 | Chimney Swift | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
114 | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
113 | Northern House Wren | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
112 | Veery | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
111 | Wood Thrush | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
110 | Baltimore Oriole | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
109 | Ovenbird | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
108 | Northern Waterthrush | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
107 | Blue-winged Warbler | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
106 | Black-and-white Warbler | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
105 | Common Yellowthroat | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
104 | American Redstart | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
103 | Magnolia Warbler | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
102 | Yellow Warbler | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
101 | Prairie Warbler | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
100 | Rose-breasted Grosbeak | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 11-May-2017 | |
99 | Warbling Vireo | RWP Community Garden | Providence | Providence | 09-May-2017 | |
98 | Yellow-rumped Warbler | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 03-May-2017 | |
97 | Chipping Sparrow | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-May-2017 | |
96 | Red-eyed Vireo | Genesee Swamp | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Apr-2017 | |
95 | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | Great Swamp | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Apr-2017 | |
94 | Osprey | Barrington Beach | Barrington | Bristol | 10-Apr-2017 | |
93 | Eastern Phoebe | Rocky Point | Warwick | Kent | 09-Apr-2017 | Note |
92 | Tree Swallow | Rhodes/Oxbows | Cranston | Providence | 03-Apr-2017 | |
91 | Great Egret | Passeonkquis Cove | Warwick | Kent | 03-Apr-2017 | |
90 | Pine Warbler | Succotash Marsh/DEM | South Kingstown | Washington | 20-Mar-2017 | |
89 | Greater Yellowlegs | Succotash Marsh/DEM | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
88 | Red-breasted Nuthatch | Succotash Marsh/DEM | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
87 | Turkey Vulture | Perry Mill Pond | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
86 | Hermit Thrush | Perry Mill Pond | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
85 | Ring-necked Duck | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
84 | Red-shouldered Hawk | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
83 | Hairy Woodpecker | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
82 | Golden-crowned Kinglet | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
81 | Brown Creeper | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
80 | Northern Harrier | Card's Pond Road | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
79 | Killdeer | Card's Pond Road | South Kingstown | Washington | 18-Mar-2017 | |
78 | Common Grackle | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 22-Feb-2017 | |
77 | Brown-headed Cowbird | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 21-Feb-2017 | |
76 | Common Merganser | Turner Reservoir | East Providence | Providence | 20-Feb-2017 | |
75 | Long-tailed Duck | Conimicut Point Park | Warwick | Kent | 18-Feb-2017 | |
74 | Tufted Duck | Blackstone Park/Seekonk River | Providence | Providence | 17-Feb-2017 | |
73 | Canvasback | Blackstone Park/Seekonk River | Providence | Providence | 17-Feb-2017 | |
72 | Barrow's Goldeneye | Blackstone Park/Seekonk River | Providence | Providence | 17-Feb-2017 | |
71 | Common Raven | Blackstone Park/Seekonk River | Providence | Providence | 17-Feb-2017 | |
70 | American Tree Sparrow | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 11-Feb-2017 | |
69 | Tundra Swan | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 08-Feb-2017 | |
68 | Eurasian Wigeon | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 08-Feb-2017 | |
67 | Redhead | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 08-Feb-2017 | |
66 | Lesser Scaup | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 08-Feb-2017 | |
65 | Double-crested Cormorant | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 08-Feb-2017 | |
64 | Pied-billed Grebe | Pawtuxet Cove | Cranston | Providence | 29-Jan-2017 | Note |
63 | Merlin | Oxbows | Cranston | Providence | 23-Jan-2017 | |
62 | Wild Turkey | Route 2 | North Kingstown | Washington | 21-Jan-2017 | |
61 | Sanderling | Scarborough Beach | Narragansett | Washington | 20-Jan-2017 | |
60 | Common Loon | Quonochontaug Breachway | Charlestown | Washington | 20-Jan-2017 | |
59 | Red-headed Woodpecker | Burlingame Campground | Charlestown | Washington | 20-Jan-2017 | |
58 | Black-bellied Plover | Scarborough Beach | Narragansett | Washington | 20-Jan-2017 | |
57 | American Black Duck | Perry Mill Pond | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
56 | Green-winged Teal | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
55 | Horned Lark | Moonstone Beach | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
54 | Gadwall | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
53 | American Wigeon | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
52 | Greater Scaup | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
51 | Great Cormorant | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
50 | Great Blue Heron | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
49 | Gray Catbird | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
48 | Eastern Towhee | Trustom Pond NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 16-Jan-2017 | |
47 | Black Scoter | Beavertail | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
46 | Bufflehead | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 13-Jan-2017 | |
45 | Common Goldeneye | Rome Point | North Kingstown | Washington | 13-Jan-2017 | |
44 | Fish Crow | Frigate St Beach | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
43 | Eastern Bluebird | Godena Farm | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
42 | Horned Grebe | Fort Wetherill | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
41 | Red-throated Loon | Fort Wetherill | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
40 | American Crow | Fort Wetherill | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
39 | Common Eider | Beavertail | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
38 | Harlequin Duck | Beavertail | Jamestown | Newport | 13-Jan-2017 | |
37 | Sharp-shinned Hawk | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 05-Jan-2017 | |
36 | Belted Kingfisher | Swan Point Cemetery | Providence | Providence | 05-Jan-2017 | |
35 | Brant | Stillhouse Cove | Cranston | Providence | 04-Jan-2017 | |
34 | American Coot | Stillhouse Cove | Cranston | Providence | 04-Jan-2017 | |
33 | Ring-billed Gull | Pawtuxet Village | Warwick | Kent | 04-Jan-2017 | |
32 | Cooper's Hawk | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 02-Jan-2017 | |
31 | Red-bellied Woodpecker | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 02-Jan-2017 | |
30 | Red-tailed Hawk | Card's Pond Rd | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
29 | Song Sparrow | Card's Pond Rd | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
28 | Canada Goose | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
27 | Mute Swan | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
26 | Mallard | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
25 | Hooded Merganser | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
24 | Ruddy Duck | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
23 | Herring Gull | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
22 | White-breasted Nuthatch | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
21 | European Starling | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
20 | Red-winged Blackbird | Trustom NWR | South Kingstown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
19 | Red-breasted Merganser | Ninigret | Charlestown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
18 | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Ninigret | Charlestown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
17 | Great Black-backed Gull | Ninigret | Charlestown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
16 | Northern Flicker | Ninigret | Charlestown | Washington | 01-Jan-2017 | |
15 | Rock Pigeon | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
14 | Mourning Dove | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
13 | Downy Woodpecker | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
12 | Blue Jay | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
11 | Black-capped Chickadee | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
10 | Tufted Titmouse | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
9 | Carolina Wren | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
8 | Northern Mockingbird | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
7 | American Robin | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
6 | House Sparrow | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
5 | House Finch | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
4 | American Goldfinch | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
3 | Dark-eyed Junco | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
2 | White-throated Sparrow | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 | |
1 | Northern Cardinal | Yard | Warwick | Kent | 01-Jan-2017 |